Running development environment with Docker Compose¶
This guide will provide step-by-step instructions on how to set up and run a minimal Tsuru environment for building and testing Tsuru on your local machine.
In order to follow this guide, you need to install and configure properly each tool listed below on your machine.
- git
- Docker (or podman)
- Docker Compose
- Minikube (or other similar tools such as kind, k3s, etc)
- tsuru (Tsuru CLI)
- yq
You also need to checkout the Tsuru's source code from GitHub.
git clone
cd tsuru
Notice: All the following commands are executed within the tsuru
's root directory.
Running Tsuru service components¶
First of all, you must prepare the Docker Compose execution by running:
source .env
This command plays a important role by configuring network interfaces and generating config files according to your setup, so you are able to up/down services easily with Docker Compose commands.
To run all Tsuru service components in background mode, run:
docker-compose up -d
If everything goes well, you have a fresh installation of Tsuru.
Now, we should create an admin user which is able to manage Tsuru's stuff from tsuru
For the purpose of this guide, the admin user will be identified as
However, feel free to use your own email if you prefer.
docker-compose exec tsuru-api tsurud root user create
# it will prompt you to create an password
Point your Tsuru CLI to use the current local installation and authenticate using the root user created above.
tsuru target add --set-current development http://${TSURU_HOST_IP}:8080
tsuru login
# it will prompt you to fill the user password
Integrate with local Kubernetes cluster¶
Create a local Kubernetes cluster making sure that the local container registry is trusted (it will be used to store Tsuru app/job's container images).
minikube start --insecure-registry="${TSURU_HOST_IP}:5000"
After that, you should register this Kubernetes cluster as Tsuru cluster:
KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/config # assuming minikube is using the default kubeconfig
tsuru cluster add my-cluster kubernetes \
--addr $(yq -r '.clusters[] | select(.name == "minikube") | .cluster.server' ${KUBECONFIG}) \
--cacert $(yq -r '.clusters[] | select(.name == "minikube") | .cluster["certificate-authority"]' ${KUBECONFIG}) \
--clientcert $(yq -r '.users[] | select(.name == "minikube") | .user["client-certificate"]' ${KUBECONFIG}) \
--clientkey $(yq -r '.users[] | select(.name == "minikube") | .user["client-key"]' ${KUBECONFIG}) \
--custom "registry=${TSURU_HOST_IP}:5000/tsuru" \
--custom "registry-insecure=true" \
--custom "build-service-address=dns:///${TSURU_HOST_IP}:8000" \
--custom "build-service-tls=false" \
Click here to read more about Tsuru clusters.
Now, you have everything to run Tsuru locally. Happy hacking.
Cleaning up¶
Keep in mind that following this steps remove everything you did before and cannot be undone.
Logout and remove the Tsuru development
tsuru logout
tsuru target remove development
Shutting down Docker Compose services:
docker-compose down --volumes --rmi all
Removing the local Kubernetes cluster:
minikube delete --all
Useful resources¶
How do I rebuild the Tsuru API after changing its source code?¶
During the development cycle, you can rebuild and relaunch the Tsuru API with your changes. To do so, just run the code below:
docker-compose up --build tsuru-api
I'm not able to register my Kubernetes cluster as Tsuru cluster¶
Tsuru requires to reach the Kubernetes (apiserver), so you need to make sure that Kubernetes is accessible from Tsuru's container network. You can test the connectivity by running it from Tsuru:
KUBERNETES_ADDRESS=$(yq -r '.clusters[] | select(.name == "minikube") | .cluster.server' ${KUBECONFIG})
docker-compose exec tsuru-api wget --no-check-certificate -qO- ${KUBERNETES_ADDRESS}/healthz
If you don't see an output like ok
as result of the above command, you might need to create your cluster using a bridge network.
Please follow to Minikube's documentation to know how to do that.