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Installing Tsuru in a local Kubernetes cluster with Helm

This post will show how to install and configure Tsuru in a local Kubernetes with Helm. All steps in this guide were done in Kubernetes v1.24.0. While it might work for almost all Kubernetes versions, some versions may break something. Feel free to report us in that case. You need to have both minikube and kubectl previously installed on your machine, if you don\'t have it yet, you can install it here, with minikube and kubectl properly installed, let\'s get started. To create a local Kubernetes cluster using minikube, run the command:

$ minikube start —-kubernetes-version=v1.24.0

This example we use the docker driver to create a vm. If you want to use another driver see minikube supported drivers. In relation to the --kubernetes-version in the future we will have other versions available.

Hardware Requirements

  • 2 CPUs or more
  • 12GB of free memory
  • 20GB of free disk space
  • Installing Helm

Download a release of the Helm client. With helm installed, let\'s start

Installing Tsuru

To install Tsuru and its dependencies we will use a helm chart

$ helm repo add tsuru

Now let\'s install the chart!

$ helm install tsuru tsuru/tsuru-stack --create-namespace --namespace tsuru-system

Now you have tsuru installed!!

Configuring Tsuru

Create the admin user on tsuru:

$ kubectl exec -it -n tsuru-system deploy/tsuru-api -- tsurud root user create CHANGE IT TO YOUR ADMIN USER #

Use Port-forward to access tsuru and ingress controller:

Use to make a specific kubernetes api request. That means the system running it needs access to the API server, and any traffic will get tunneled over a single HTTP connection:

$ kubectl port-forward --namespace tsuru-system svc/tsuru-api 8080:80 &
$ kubectl port-forward --namespace tsuru-system svc/tsuru-ingress-nginx-controller 8890:80 &

Obs: If you specified a port when you installed helm it will have to use the same port in tsuru-ingress-nginx-controller.

Add the localhost to tsuru target and log in:

$ tsuru target-add default http://localhost:8080 -s
$ tsuru login

Create one team:

$ tsuru team create admin

Build Platforms:

$ tsuru platform add python
$ tsuru platform add go

Create and Deploy tsuru-dashboard app:

$ tsuru app create dashboard
$ tsuru app deploy -a dashboard --image tsuru/dashboard

Create an app to test:

$ mkdir example-go
$ cd example-go
$ git clone
$ cd platforms/examples/go
$ tsuru app create example-go go
$ tsuru app deploy -a example-go .

Check the app info and get the url:

$ tsuru app info -a example-go