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Tsuru client (CLI)

The Tsuru command-line interface (CLI), also known as tsuru, is crucial tool for application developers using Tsuru. It empowers developers to perform a wide range of operations and efficiently manage the full lifecycle of their applications with just a few simple commands. With tsuru, developers gain the ability to create and deploy applications effortlessly, while also providing real-time troubleshooting capabilities.


Pre-built binaries


curl -fsSL | sudo bash
sudo apt-get install tsuru-client
curl -fsSL | sudo bash
sudo yum install tsuru-client
yay -S tsuru-bin
curl -fsSL | bash


brew tap tsuru/homebrew-tsuru
brew install tsuru
curl -fsSL | bash


If you are using Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), you can install Tsuru by following the same steps as would for Linux. However, if you are not using WSL, you will need downloading a Windows-specific archive (ZIP compressed) directly from tsuru-client releases.


If you are unable to install the Tsuru CLI system-wide, an alternative option is to use the Tsuru CLI container image using Docker. By the way this container image is highly recommended for configuring CI/CD pipelines.

docker run -t tsuru/client:latest tsuru version

The above command executes the tsuru version command using the latest version of Tsuru client's container image.

Building from source code

As Tsuru CLI's source is written in Golang, building it from the source code requires the installation of Go previously. After doing that, you only need to run the below command to build and install Tsuru CLI from the source:

go install

Ensure that you add the Go's bin directory to the system's path ($PATH), as shown below.

export PATH=${PATH}:$(go env GOPATH)/bin

Verify the installation

To verify your CLI installation, use the tsuru version command.

tsuru version

The command output should look like Client version: X.Y.Z. If you do not see anything like this, try to reinstall or use another installation method.